
Got 14 days?

A few weeks ago on 1 of the many "natural fertility" sites I follow I saw a little snippet for a free 14 day fertility challenge. Of course they don't really give you a whole lot of information but essentially is gets you on the path of leading a fertility friendly lifestyle. Knowing the RE was going to tell us we really should be doing IVF/ICSI like uh NOW. I figure it is time to do the 1 last thing that I have in my arsenal of things to try...eating a better diet and taking off excess weight. These 2 things will help our natural chances but also, if we do get to where we are doing IVF because of the cost (both $ and emotional) we MUST make it count, we MUST do everything we can to increase our chances of success. And by we mostly it means me because I am where a baby will live so I need to make a nice cozy inviting house so one will decide to stay a while. So this challenge starts February 1 and will likely coincide pretty closely with the start of my cycle. Why not right?! Not like it can HURT. At worst some free useless information, at best free helpful information.

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