
Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde

First  we'll talk about Dr. Jekyll...aka my left ovary. He's very well mannered, never causes problems and produces eggs every month (like a good ovary is supposed to). Once he made 4 beauties with the help of a little clomid. Then we have Mr. Hyde...my right ovary. He is ill tempered, never produces follies (even when asked) and most recently he has decided to EFF with my plans by bringing me a beautiful 20mm cyst. He causes nothing but trouble and I'm sure the good Dr tries to control him but to no avail. So, thanks to this guy our plan for this cycle has been quickly chucked out the window and we'll be doing things all naturally. Sadly, my dear husband no longer has the option of gifting me spunk in a cup for Valentine's day...I suppose he still could but now it would just be weird! So, I'll start OPK on the 10th knowing I will likely ovulate slightly later than my natural cycle norm due to residual clomid. Now let's all cheer on the good Dr and pray he grows me the perfect egg this month.

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