
CD1, Fertility Challenge day 1

So we have finally moved on to another cycle, I so hate when you know it's coming and are left waiting. Also today is day 1 of the natural fertility challenge. So, you might be asking yourself what is on the docket for the next (approx ) 28 days. Tomorrow I get to go in and peek at my ovaries (cue emo breakdown), The Captain and I both start Z-pak (part of the RPL protocol we're on), Clomid 50mg CD 5-9, CD12 finds me yet again romancing the vag cam, and if previous cycles are to be believed I may spend Valentines day being injected with tiny swimmers. What a gift! Please honey all I want for V day is for you to deposit your spunk in this cup (cue sitcom laugh track). Also, we are waiting for the results of my thrombophilia (clotting) panel to determine if I will be on prednisone. Frankly, I hope in a week or so to be starting prednisone because it means I have no clotting disorder and will not need daily lovenox injections when I finally manage to become pregnant again. Dieting while on prednisone...yeah sounds super....but I don't really mind because it means we may actually be able to hold on to our next pregnancy!

Day 1 of the natural fertility challenge and our task is to clean out all the toxic household products and replace them with non-toxic natural products. About 2 years ago we switched to using all non-toxic cleaning products. I did still have a few things that I held on to for absolutely zero reason as I haven't touched them in 2 years. I was reminded today by the video that even just having those things in your home allows them to seep chemicals into the air that you breathe and slowly they poison you. I took the opportunity to clean out our "under sink area" and tossed everything that was just sitting in there and not being used. We now only have 1 toxic cleaning product, our stainless steel cleaner, because ALL of the natural options I have tried SUCK and we have all stainless in our kitchen. I did opt to store said cleaner in our garage which is detached and does not share air with our home. I am presuming that in the coming days the challenge will include doing the same with beauty products and switching to organics for edibles...both of which I have largely done but we'll discuss when those topics pop up.

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