
I got VD

Valentines Day always reminds me of the year that The Captain bought me giant microbes for Valentines Day. He thought he was a riot for giving me "VD" as gave gave me chlamydia and mono. Very funny and very us. We love to do silly crap. So on this day O' love I always like to remind people always embrace their own special brand of love. We have never been much into celebrating Valentine's Day but it is nice with so much bad in the world to have a day where people (largely) are sharing love.

In other news I had the labs re-drawn today (again!) for my thrombophilia panel that the lab can't manage to run properly so I am *hoping* to get the results by the end of the week. I will soon post the final installment of the natural fertility challenge as I had most of a post typed and somehow deleted it. OOPS! Hope you all have/had a LOVELY ;) day!

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